Hetas Certified Complete Stove Service and Health Check
Our Hetas Complete Stove Service and Health Check will help you reduce the risk of fire and toxic emissions. You should have your chimney swept at least once a year as a bare minimum. This ensures your chimney is kept as clean as possible and prevents build-up that will become harder to remove if you leave it.
What does our Complete Stove Service and Health Check Include?
- Area will be covered in plastic to keep it clean.
- Stove is emptied, baffle removed, checks on the following –controls and firebricks, door and glass rope, flue pipe seal, distances to combustibles, carbon monoxide alarm, data plate.
- Customer will be advised if these need replacing/ changing.
- Chimney swept, glass cleaned, hinges oiled.
Also , advice will be given on the correct use of appliance.
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